
Graf över bokade hotellnätter 2020 kontra 2019.

Tjänsteresandet ökar igen – upp 94% sedan i mars

Efter den kraftiga nedgången i våras börjar nu affärsresandet att öka igen. Antalet hotellnätter som bokats av storföretag och myndigheter har nästan fördubblats från mars till augusti. Det visar statistik från det svenska betallösningsföretaget Nordic Travel Clearing. – Vårens bokningspuckel flyttar sig lite beroende på när påsken infaller, säger Andreas Brase som är företagets VD. […]

Tjänsteresandet ökar igen – upp 94% sedan i mars Read More »

Primehotels Sales Director

Primehotels makes life easier for business travellers by introducing the Travel Clearing eVoucher process in Finland.

eVoucher is a B2B payment service solution offered by Travel Clearing. The payment process is fully automated and paperless and thus the billing process of the hotel as well as the travel agency is simplified and the traveller does not have to handle their receipts manually. This saves significant management costs for travel agents, service

Primehotels makes life easier for business travellers by introducing the Travel Clearing eVoucher process in Finland. Read More »

Skanska: ”We have reduced our administrative work and have a lot less hassle.”

Monica Wahlberg is in charge of procurement for all travel-related services in construction giant Skanska. The cooperation with Travel Clearing has led to better financial control, fewer errors, and less administration. On top of that, the solution is highly liked by staff members. Skanska has some 11.000 employees in Sweden alone and is a major

Skanska: ”We have reduced our administrative work and have a lot less hassle.” Read More »

“All companies benefit from Travel Clearing’s seamless and innovative payment solution.”

Have you just returned from a conference or a meeting with a wallet full of carelessly folded receipts? Would you like to know what the event really cost, including all employees’ expenses and travel and without lost receipts and travel expenses submitted late? And also be able to get all the accounts directly in the

“All companies benefit from Travel Clearing’s seamless and innovative payment solution.” Read More »

Despite increased digitalisation, there are a lot of pieces of paper to keep track of.

Despite increased digitalisation, there are a lot of pieces of paper to keep track of.

However, this is something employees at over 100 Swedish authorities do not have to do when they travel. Most people who travel a lot for work take on a strange expression when ”travel expenses” comes up. Lots of pieces of paper have to be saved, and a missing receipt is noticed immediately in your personal

Despite increased digitalisation, there are a lot of pieces of paper to keep track of. Read More »

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