Despite increased digitalisation, there are a lot of pieces of paper to keep track of.

Despite increased digitalisation, there are a lot of pieces of paper to keep track of.

However, this is something employees at over 100 Swedish authorities do not have to do when they travel.

Most people who travel a lot for work take on a strange expression when ”travel expenses” comes up. Lots of pieces of paper have to be saved, and a missing receipt is noticed immediately in your personal wallet. However, this is no longer a problem at more than 100 Swedish authorities, as they are now using the Halmstad-based company Travel Clearing’s system, which makes everything from hotels to rental car completely receipt-less.

Different employers have different solutions for travel expenses. Some provide their staff with credit cards which have to be reported every month, while others let their employees use their own money.
Regardless of which system is used, it is the employee who has to monitor all the receipts, and despite increased digitalisation, there are a lot of pieces of paper to keep track of. Train tickets, taxi receipts, rental cars, airport buses, not to mention hotels.
“For those who travel a lot, it can involve large sums. And a lost receipt is costly”, says Andreas Brase, CEO of Travel Clearing.
”Moreover, there is a lot of administration to keep track of all items and where they have to be booked.

The Halmstad-based company Travel Clearing has developed a system to resolve all of this – right down to the smallest taxi receipt. As soon as a trip or a hotel is booked via the operation’s travel agent, everything is sorted. If an e-ticket is needed for the actual journey, then it is mailed out. All information about who is travelling and where, any cost centres etc. is then entered directly into the business system with an e-invoice each month. This is then paid automatically via a Travel Account. It means that the internal administration is kept to a minimum!
All travellers in the organisation also have their order information entered in the different apps that are used to pay for travel that is booked without a travel agent. It might be taxis, trains, local traffic or hotels which for various reasons must be booked personally and where a digital ticket is often required.

Today Travel Clearing’s service is used by many large Swedish companies and more than 100 authorities.
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